Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Musical Mondays (belated): My Favorite Things

One afternoon last fall (or maybe it was late summer?) when Abby was having an especially rough day, one of those days where she needed to sleep but was too tired to get there so she just cried and cried... I started singing The Sound of Music songs to her. It's only my most favorite movie in the whole world, and I know almost every word to almost every song. I stuck with the famous "My Favorite Things" for awhile, and she seemed to relax. Did I mention I have a thing for 6/8 songs? Maybe she does too. Since she can't understand the lyrics yet. It's become my song of choice when I'm trying to comfort her or just rock her before bed at night. It's easy to sing or just hum, and I can pat her back in rhythm while I hold her. And it's fun for me to imagine all of those things mentioned in the song. Although I'm not really sure what "schnitzel with noodles" is...

Maybe I should write a verse about MY favorite things. Pizza, comfy blankets, hot cocoa, daisies. Not quite as poetic, but maybe I could get there...

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Your favorite things are pizza, comfy blankets, cocoa, and daisies? I knew the daisies and can understand the rest, but pizza? Really? Gross :P

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